Friday, November 14, 2014

one year.

One year.  It’s been one full year since surgery.  At that point, I never even looked forward a year, never thought about what a year out would look like.  I was more worried about the now.  What is happening today.  What will happen tomorrow.  What will happen next.  I’m excited that it’s been a full year.  I’m excited that I’m continuing to move forward.  I’m proud of the work I’ve put in, Proud of the way I’ve dealt with all the challenges, proud of the person I am becoming.  Life has definitely changed over the last year and continues to change going forward but hopefully I have developed coping mechanisms to cope with the challenges ahead.

I’ve learned a lot in a year.  I’ve learned a lot about myself, my friends, my family.  I never thought of the ways things would turn out or the things that would change. 

5:30 peeps- Thank you.  You each have been there in many different ways and have been there as a collective group.  I never thought I’d rely on your friendships the way I do.  You have become sources of calm, strength, patience, laughter, and you pick me up on a regular basis.  Thank you for letting me be part of the group and for becoming an important part of my life.  Never could I have predicted the way our friendships have grown and become what they are today.

Coach- You put up with my whining, you put up with having to change just about everything for me, and you never complain!  Thanks for being there to make sure I don’t hurt myself, I try new things, and I continue to get a good workout.  Thank you for your friendship!  Not to mention the number of times I come in not in peak condition to workout.  You steadfastly continue to work on me to make better life choices and I appreciate the time, effort, energy and friendship.

L- Thank you for giving me the gift of feeling again.  For reminding me that I am a complete person and I get to live life and not just live in the post surgery mindset.  Thank you for your reminders that life does not revolve around what my back and surgery made me go through...keep reminding me!

To my doctor…wow.  Never thought you’d get what you got when you took me on as a patient!  I hope you know how much of a difference you have made through this process and in my life.  You answer every question (small, huge, odd, dumb, awkward, and just plain off the wall) with never making me feel dumb for not knowing the answer.  You set an example of the importance of doing things for me while working at balancing everything else.  I appreciate your knowledge, your patience, your support and your friendship! 

J and H-  You continue to deal with me and our friendships have lasted the test of time.  You’ve been there to take me out when I couldn’t walk, to give me a break, and to just listen.  Thank you for just being yourselves and loving me for being me!

C- we’ve been through a lot over the years.  Never did I think we would get to the point of both of us being out at the same time and relying on each other to struggle the absence of work.  I appreciate your help on a regular basis, your willingness to do the silly, the goofy, and the difficult whenever we need to.  You make my daily life a little easier each and every day.  Thank you for letting me not be the strong one all the time.

J- we may be apart by distance but you've stood by my side more times than I can count through this last year.  Thank you for being there.  Thank you for being you, it wouldn't be the same without you!

So many people have been there through the last year.  So many prayers have been said.  So many cards have been sent.  So much support.  Overwhelming for someone not used to having to receive the support but used to giving it. 

I'm beginning to look at my surgery as a gift.  A gift that nobody wants but everyone benefits from.  I feel that I look at life a little differently and value people and experiences more than things.  I want to be there for others the way they were there for me.  For friends to come visit in the hospital more than once even though their busy lives were full without the added time meant more than they know.  The cards that poured in meant more than people know.  A reminder to me on how important life is and it doesn't have to be major things to cause us mindfulness about others.

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