Monday, May 26, 2014

life can be chaos

That's what I've decided.  Life can just be chaos.  And I happen to be in the middle of it right now.  A few more weeks.  Then I'll get a break and hopefully things will calm down a little.  There are so many things that are out of my control right now and that doesn't work the greatest for me.  I don't have the patience to deal with what I can't control...however, right now, I have to deal with most things that I have no control over so it's been stressful, crazy, and just plain overwhelming.

If you know a teacher well...not just know them at school but know them outside of school, you'll know how absolutely crazy this time of year is.  Have to cram and teach as much as possible, grade everything, complete report cards, complete final cumulative files, start planning for next year, order all materials for next year, clean and organize and pack the room away, all in all....just chaos.  Not only do I have all that to do, I also have to plan summer school, recruit students, order all materials, cover all my bases etc.  Organize the teachers, class lists, etc.  Add to that list, we are in the hiring process for a new principal...yep, I'm on that too!  this year just seems to be way worse than most years.  I wonder how much of that is due to my recovery from massive surgery?  I'm still needing a lot of sleep each night...I'm trying to work out as much as possible (trying to keep myself as sane as I am normally) and it's just nuts.  Social life?  seems to be nonexistent this time around.  Which just frustrates me, I miss my friends.  I miss my 'normal' life.  

Add to the normal end of year stuff and my crazy end of year this year, I'm doing this challenge called the Whole Life Challenge.  Thought it was a great idea, great group of people doing it with me, totally didn't look at the timing.....  So in the midst of my craziness, I'm changing my lifestyle dramatically.  How dramatically?  EXTREMELY dramatically.  Used to be I'd be out for dinner/drinks 4-6 nights a week.... Dinner at 9 or so, no worries.  Drinks multiple nights multiple drinks.  It was my life :)  This challenge....cuts alcohol.  I'm doing fine with that.  I miss the socializing.  I don't miss the alcohol as much as I thought I might.  This challenge... cuts dairy.  LAttes?  I'm struggling with the lack of lattes.  and the sitting at starbucks drinking a latte and getting work done...several times a week.  (So...a benefit for my wallet...but still!)  Ice cream?!?  it's out the window!  This challenge also has me cooking....the last time I had cooked a meal was well before surgery.  Surgery was 6 months ago.  WELL before surgery.  Cooking for one person is not any fun.  But...the best part of this challenge is that I am able to control something in my life.  I'm able to control what I eat...Or what I cook.  I'm in control of when I cheat and when I don't.  I'm in control of when and what I do for a workout.  In my life of chaos right now, control is what I need and I'm thankful for having control over something!

6 months since surgery has come and gone.  6 month appt with surgeon went well.  full release.  Did not release how much I was worrying about healing and recovery.  Hearing the words from my surgeon, get back to living your life, don't need to see you again was a relief.  A weight lifted off my shoulders that I didn't even realize was as heavy as it was.  It's been an adventure these last 6 months and trust me I know, healing and recovery aren't done yet.  Still a long road ahead but comforting to know that the surgeon's pleased with everything.  

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