Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I have found that inspiration can come in the strangest ways and be found in the oddest places.  It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing, I am finding myself to be inspired lately and only when I need it the most.

When I started PT at the new place, the first trip to PT after being released from the hospital, I saw a student that just inspired me and it's stuck with me throughout all this time.  This student was a high school kid and he had lost part of his leg.  I never met him so I have no clue what his story was, but I saw him walk on his new leg for the first time.  He was so proud of being able to walk, yes he had a walker, yes he needed a wheelchair most of the time but he was walking on his two feet and had the best smile I had seen.  To see a high school who had obviously been through a lot medically, physically and not to mention mentally to be making that kind of progress and growth just inspired me to work my hardest in therapy and to keep my attitude up.

Being back at my Box (crossfit Gym) has been wonderful.  I have seen many people push through workouts, work hard and be proud of themselves.  However, one particular situation stands out to me and inspires me.  It was a birthday workout, (for those that don't means crazy hard and lots of work).  Going into the workout we knew it would be tough.  We knew it was going to be crazy.  But for one, he was dreading it.  double unders.  a million box jumps.  etc etc etc.  As he worked through the workout, he never once gave up.  He wanted to.  He took breaks as needed.  I wasn't sure he'd make it through.  Gets to the point he can only do one rep at a time.  The time cap is coming and he still pushes through.  Finished the bulk of the workout, only the cashout is left.  More dreaded double unders.  (double unders are his nemesis at the gym).  Knowing how hard they are for him, how tired he is, he still pushes through.  Continues to jump.  Continues to persevere.  Most of us thought he'd time out.  The last few seconds, he drops his rope.  The coach looks at him incredulously.  Are you done?  with a big grin, yes.  To see that work ethic, the continued push, the constant drive through pain and discomfort.    That was the inspiration I needed to see.  Even though I'd be late the rest of the day, I had to see if he would make it.  I had to see him finish.  He did it.  He never gave up.  He pushed through pain, the frustration, the negativity of thinking I can't do these.  He showed me how to keep going no matter how bad it gets.  

Watching the lightbulb go on for one of my kids.  A student who's had difficulty with seemingly easy tasks.  A student who's had a rough time at home these last few months.  Just the attention of one on one time reading with her teacher has picked up so many skills and strategies.  Lightbulbs continue to go on for her and it's been so inspiring to see what things she can do now.  

Watching a friend make a lifealtering decision that not only affects her but all those around her.  Knowing that a major change was coming and making the choice for family first.  Making the choice for her father, for her son, for herself.  Knowing how hard a decision that was, I am inspired that family first.  There are days that can't be gotten back.  There are memories that would not have been made.  Hopefully, if I'm ever in that situation, I'll be able to make the choice that is not only right for me but right for my family and for me.

Inspiration can strike in some of the oddest places but it's always when I need the most.  When I'm frustrated, I'm negative, I'm down on myself because I can't do everything I want to.  Then a spark of inspiration pops up out of the blue.  

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