The positives:
~the friendships that have been made stronger through this process. I don't know how I would have made it through without my core group. I'm incredibly fortunate with the community surrounding me and my core group has grown and changed in ways I wouldn't have expected but it's been a source of strength and comfort for me.
~the amount I've learned about my own body and healing process. I've learned to listen when something isn't right and I know when I need to do something about it. I've learned how my body reacts to new things. I've learned that sometimes I have to trust myself and just do it. My body will work.
~the amount of time spent in the gym/pool/working out. I've been more controlled in my workouts, I've been more dedicated, I've been more confident in what I'm doing. I'm enjoying the group workout and making sure I work out independently to focus on myself and still work on rehab work as I don't want to lose what I've gained in control and work.
~I've got lots back in the way of movement, bending, working movement etc. I can do way more than I expected to. I'm back to working out and at a decent level for only being 9 months out.
~a doctor I trust. One of the scariest parts of this process is the unknown. and to have a doctor that I trust has made it easier. He'll be honest, he'll listen, and he'll help. Even when I'm worried about the little things or overwhelmed.
~I've learned a lot. About myself, my friends, my family.
The Negatives:
~stupid nerves. Nerves that are regenerating. Nerves that we don't know when or what they'll do next. FYI...Nerves back = pain. new pain regularly. unknown pain. unknown issue. feels like a guessing game most of the time. How long can I deal with something til it's too much? How often do I deal with something til it's past too much?
~unable to lift heavy. Still can get a good workout. Just can't do the weights I used to. I can't and I won't and I have to accept that....sometime.
~scared to do too much, to hurt myself again. (that says it all)
~the unknown...this is one of the big ones. the unknown. This process of healing has a lot of unknown to it. If it was just the spinal fusion'd be a lot more known to. The complication of Cauda Equina Syndrome makes it all unknown. Makes it about the nerves and nerves are still so unknown. So I deal with new symptoms til they drive me nuts. But there is no step by step process to nerves. I don't like the unknown.
I have to keep looking at the positives or I get stuck in the negatives. I get weighed down and stressed and forget to see what I've gained through all of this. So the lesson is Look to the Positives.
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