Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fell of the face of the earth

Well...It's been over a year since my last post.  It's been an interesting year and things are constantly changing.  makes me wonder if there will ever be  a new level of normal?  Not sure I can handle the constant sense of change and the never being completely sure of what is going to happen.  

Reactions aren't the same.  Progress is slow and steady until I push too hard and then I go backwards...what's that saying...2 steps forward and 3 steps back?  Seems like that has been my last year.  

It's time for me to accept what's what.  Accept what's going to happen will and I won't have a ton of control in the situation.  Time for me to realize that it's all about how I face the adversity instead of preventing the adversity.

A couple of goals.  Be present.  BE PRESENT.  not glued to technology.  not wishing I was elsewhere.  not wondering why i'm missing out on everything.  Make the most of what I can with the ones I want to.  Be Intentional in my choices, my interactions, my time, my life.  Make the people I choose to spend time realize that they matter.  They are important.  They are a gift to me and my life.  Blog a bit more.....Like a lot more.  I miss the outlet.  I miss the sharing of myself without the having to do it in person.  Need to get back to it.  

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