Sunday, June 8, 2014

always something

It's always something....something something something.  Things come up, things happen, frustration occurs, stress levels's always something.  This year is no different except my body doesn't handle it as well as it used to.  I'm hoping that this isn't going to be my new normal...I might go crazy...and so will the people that are around me on a regular basis.  :)  

End of the year stress.... it seems so much worse this year... not sure if it really is or not but it sure seems worse!  Maybe I have less patience than normal?  who knows.  I just know the end of the year can't come soon enough, I can't find the time to get everything done, i need more sleep than I want to plan for and my body just plain reacts poorly to it all!  

Ever have a day where it feels like your body just hates you?  That's been the last week for me.  I know it's stress related...I just know it.  But seriously, enough is enough.  At least wait til I get through everything before rioting.  Hard to focus and get things done when everything hurts, cramps galore, misfiring nerves down the leg, throat burning, and nothing makes you feel better.  Sleep doesn't help.  Meds don't help.  nothing works.  It's always something.

All of this adds up to one grumpy teacher.  It's not fair to my kiddos to have a grumpy teacher for the last days of school.  It's not fair to me to be grumpy these last days of school.  It's not fair to my friends to deal with me as grumpy as I am.  

It's always something.  It's days/weeks/times like these that really make me realize how wonderful my friends are.  They come out and support, listen, spend the time, etc.  Even with me being the grumpiest, grouchiest, negative nancy, they still just listen and are just there.  Friends from life.  Friends from school.  Friends from the gym.  They all come out in support and make life bearable again.  

It's always something.  but at least I can see the good through all the bad.